John Harrington

Hi Nigel

Just to thank you and the team (particularly Richard) for yesterday’s session

I sat down last night to make a list of things where I can improve – but a sheet of foolscap was hardly big enough! And I haven’t watched the scary DVD yet!

However, for the first time in a long time I was really enthusiastic about going to the pool this morning and lo and behold instant results. Without trying overly hard my 100 was 4 seconds faster than I have been swimming recently. I even managed several lengths without my security blanket aka pullbuoy. I am sure that this improved time and my visit to you are not coincidental!

So, lots to work on, but lots of encouragement. PB’s at 64 – why not?!

I shall spread the word and hope to encourage a few of my fellow pool users to make the journey north. In any event I shall book another visit to you in a few months.


John Harrington